220px-The Banshee

The banshee ( /ˈbænʃ/ BAN-shee), from the Irish bean sí [bʲæn ˈʃiː] ("woman of the sídhe" or "woman of the fairy mounds") is a feminine spirit in Irish mythology, usually seen as an omen of death and a messenger from the Otherworld.

In legend, a banshee is a fairy woman who begins to wail if someone is about to die. In Scottish mythology the creature is called the bean sìth or bean-nighe and is seen washing the blood stained clothes or armour of those who are about to die. Alleged sightings of banshees have been reported as recently as 1948.[1] Similar creatures are also found in Welsh,[2] Norse[3][4] [5] and American folklore, such as aos sí ("tumulus folk").


[hide] *1 Overview

[edit] Overview

The story of the banshee began as a fairy woman keening at the death of important personages.[6] In later stories, the appearance of the ban the West Highlands of Scotland.[6]

The banshee can appear in a variety of guises. Most often she appears as an ugly, frightening hag, but she can also appear as a stualed to be the Irish battle goddess, the Morrígan.

Although not always seen, her mourning call is heard, usually at night when someone is about to die and usually around woodees attending the great houses of Ireland and the courts of local Irish kings.

In some parts of Leinster, she is referred to as the bean chaointe (keening woman) whose wail can be  in the southwest of Ireland, her keen is experienced as a "low, pleasant singing"; in Tyrone in the north, as "the sound of two boards being struck together"; and on Rathlin Island as "a thin, screeching sound somh as that of a hooded crow, stoat, hare and weasel - animals associated in Ireland with witchcraft.

[edit] History and mythology

In legend, a bahem, and whose cries herald the death of a member of that family. The most common surname attached to the banshee was Mac.[7] They were also associated with the Airlie clan.[6] Accounts of banshees go bacl at the crowning of the true king. Such a cry was reported to be heard at the crowning of Brian Boru.

Traditionanews of their death had not yet come, so that the wailing of the banshee was the first warning the household had of the death.

The Ó Briains' banshee was thought to have the name of Eevul, and was ruler of 25 other banshees who would always be at her attendance.[8] It is thought that from this myth comes the idea that the wailing of numerous banshees signifies the death of a great person.[8]

In later versions, the banshee might appear before the death and warn the family by wailing.[9] When several banshees asuspecting humans, will spirit such gullible humans away. Other stories portray banshees as dressed in green, red, grey cloak.[7]

[edit] American folklore

Stories of banshees

[edit] Celtic cultures

In Scottish Mythology a similittle washer at the ford).

In Welore, a similnown as ththe mist.[13]
